Vagabond Comics Issue 11: Tag Team
Vagabond Comics
Are you ready to rumble? Dig out those shiny tights and hit the mat with our Tag Team issue, jam packed with 17 wrestling-inspired comics by both new and returning contributors. All-ages friendly.
80 pages, black and white
Cover art by Miguel C. Hernandez
Includes work by: Rebecca Amyx, Duncan Barton, Sequoia Bostick, Michael Dee, Amalia DeGirolamo, GATO, Brian Gleine, Leigh Gonzales, Stephanie Haught, Zak Kinsella, Thomas Masaveg, Gabby Metzler, Naters, Marj Santaromana, Ricky Vigil, David Waldman, Dave Wendt
30.2 MB
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